Worship Projection Software

Presentation Software

Worship Presentation Software

  • Media Shout
  • Proclaim
  • ProPresenter
    • Propresenter is a highly rated church presentation software program from Renewed Vision. It's a Mac only application, and yes, I've talked churches into getting a mac just to use propresenter. It's very stable (we've used it for over 2 years without a crash on Sunday mornings), smooth and it handles motion backgrounds video clips and HD without a hitch. Anyone purchasing the current version is eligible to upgrade to the soon-to-be released version 4 at no extra cost. You can see the new features at the website (click on "the road to propresenter 4" at the top of the home page). To see the current features for Propresenter 3 click on Products>Propresenter.
    • They have an active forum (http://www.renewedvision.com/rv_vb/index.php) with users that will jump in to answer questions and the developers are on there quite a bit too, taking feature suggestions and answering questions also. They often do minor upgrades (no charge), incorporating user feedback. There is also a helpful video tutorial library (Support>Propresenter Tutorials). You can download a full version of the program to try for an unlimited amount of time (you just have a watermark on the display screen until you purchase it).
    • I can't say enough about this program. I've trained another volunteer to be able to create the Sunday presentations, and it's quite easy to train people to run it on Sunday mornings. Very intuitive interface.