Christian Worship Hymns for Text Expander

All the text of Christian Worship (CW) hymns is available in Text Expander format. This will allow those who use the tool to automatically copy the text, and other related content, to your document with just a few keystrokes. Text Expander is a Mac-based program that allows keywords to be "translated" or substituted with other text, in this case a hymn verse. There is an equivalent program on Windows that will read Text Expander files called Phrase Express.

Download the Christian Worship Text Expander Snippet (link below)

INFO - CW Hymn Snippets

There are three types of hymn snippet in this group:

  1. Expansion of number via title: cwtitle = ### - Title
  2. Expansion of title via number: cw### = Title
  3. Expansion of title and stanzas via number: cww###

Notes on Each Snippet Type:

Type 1:

  • I have left capitalization and punctuation out of the abbreviations for simplicity’s sake as well as ease with mobile keyboards.
  • You usually won't have to type the full title, just enough of it to set it apart from all other titles. If you get to the end of the title and it still hasn't expanded, type a period "." and it should (e.g. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today vs. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today; Alleluia).
  • Keep in mind that some snippets of the first type are a bit long due to similar long titles (e.g. 513 and 536).
  • For two hymns with the same title but different tunes, the snippet will expand with both numbers (e.g. "200 or 201 - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”).
  • In several cases I have included in the snippet a note indicating the potential to confuse one hymn with another [i.e. 149 & 150 ("cwchristthelordisrisentoday."); 194 & 242 ("cwohthati"); 325 & 607 ("cwhowblestaretheyw")].
  • I did not have available electronically the 24 possibilities for "second stanzas" of hymn 552 (By All Your Saints Still Striving). Currently only stanzas 1 and 3 expand when the abbreviation is typed (i.e. cw552). (If you have those stanzas electronically, feel free to send them to me.)

Type 2 & 3:

  • Hymn numbers must be typed with three digits (e.g. 015). Otherwise, the snippet for hymn 15 would interfere with the 150’s.