Ministry Snippets for Text Expander

Various Ministry Snippets are available in Text Expander format. This will allow those who use the tool to automatically copy the text, and other related content, to your document with just a few keystrokes. Text Expander is a Mac-based program that allows keywords to be "translated" or substituted with other text, in this case a hymn verse. There is an equivalent program on Windows that will read Text Expander files called Phrase Express.

Download the Ministry Snippets Text Expander Snippet


Nothing too complicated about these snippets. I didn't do all the books of the Bible, just the longer ones.

I chose not to do the full "Service of Word and Sacrament," but just "Word and Sacrament" since I use the latter in other writing and it's not too much just to type out "Service of" and then the "W&S" snippet abbreviation.

1999 Small Catechism - For the abbreviations, I decided to use "cat…" because it's more memorable than something like "sc…" Note that there is a snippet for the entire Table of Duties (todwhole) as well as the entire Small Catechism, both in plain text (catwhole) and formatted text (catfwhole).

There must be tons of other great ministry snippet ideas out there. So feel free to share yours!

Pastor Emile Burgess